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Digital detox

Vissa marknadsför sitt snabba wifi. Vi har det också på vissa platser, men vad vi behöver idag är fler "coldspots". Vi tror du behöver koppla från mobilen och koppla in naturen och dess invånare. Här gör du just det.

Digital detox

Some market their superfast wifi. We also have it in some places, but the world of today offer too few \\\"cold spots\\\". We think you need to disconnect your smartphone and connect with nature and other beings. Here is where you do it.
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Middag i Tjuonajokk

I vår restaurang möter vildmarken ett modernt men rustikt kök, smaker från den lokala naturen blandas med traditioner från världens alla hörn. Filosofin är att man vill få rejält med mat efter en dag med äventyr, men ändå med finess och eftertanke. Vi har en trerätters middag per dag, av planeringsskäl men också av hållbarhetsskäl. På detta sätt går så lite mat som möjligt till spillo i vårt kök. Vi har fullständiga rättigheter och jobbar med en vinlista som möter de flesta förväntningar. Vi samarbetar med utvalda importörer för att erbjuda riktigt spännande viner. Under helgerna har vi oftast flera sittningar. Före eller efter middagen kan ni basta och bada isvak, boka gärna detta innan ankomst.

I restaurangen möts vi, byter erfarenheter, tar en drink eller läser en bok. I mobilfri miljö...

Till oss i Tjuonajokk kan ni komma som företag eller privatperson. Ni kan komma själv eller många fler. Helgerna under vintern bokas upp tidigt så tveka inte att höra av er för att säkra en unik vistelse hos oss!

Dinner in Tjuonajokk

35 kilometers to the nearest road puts some pressure on our logistics skills. Yet for us, it is absolutely key to deliver the best possible food experiences during your Tjuonajokk stay. In our restaurant wilderness meets a modern but rustic cuisine, local flavors mixed with tradition from all over the world. The philosophy is that you should have a sturdy meal after a full day of adventure, yet with finesse and thought. We serve one three-course dinner every night, for planning reasons of course, but also for sustainability. We hardly don´t throw any food away from our kitchen. We are of course licensed to sell alcohol, we work with selected wine importers to offer a wine list out of the ordinary. Vegetarian dishes as well as lactose and gluten alternatives are available.

We meet in the restaurant, have a drink, a laugh or just sit down and enjoy a good book. In a guaranteed mobile-free environment…

Jag har läst färdigt

Payment - Deposit & Final payment

NOTE. As long as the acute Corona situation persists, we will charge in connection with your departure from us. The following conditions are temporarily violated..

For online booking (VISA, Mastercard) the full amount is paid at the time of booking. Where applicable, a deposit is used. This is paid within ten days from the booking date and final payment must be received by us no later than 30 days before arrival. Once the deposit has been paid, your booking is confirmed. Until then, the booking is preliminary. Bookings that are not paid on time are automatically canceled. If you book later than 30 days before the arrival date, the full cost must be paid at the time of booking. Payments are made by bank transfer, Mastercard or VISA. Enter the invoice number for bank giro payment.


In case of cancellation earlier than 30 days before the day of arrival, the final payment paid will be refunded if such has taken place. (The deposit is non-refundable) If canceled 30-14 days before the day of arrival, 50% of the total price will be charged. If canceled up to 14 days before date of arrival, the total price of the reservation will be charged. Changes that involve another day of arrival, day of departure or shortened stay are to be regarded as cancellation.

Customer obligations

You must follow the guides / other staff's given instructions / rules of procedure. You are responsible for all damage that has occurred to a boat or other equipment due to the customer or someone else in the travel company being negligent. If the customer has a complaint regarding the event, he must contact FishYourDream AB already during the stay so that any ambiguities can be resolved. Remember to respect fishing rules, our environment, the animals that live in it and fellow human beings.

Insurance and responsibilities

Although Björk Experience AB has taken reasonable steps to provide me with information, equipment and experienced guides, Björk Experience AB has informed me that its activities are not completely risk-free. Certain risks are inherent in each activity and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique nature of the activity. These inherent risks are some of the components that contribute to the unique nature of the activities, and can cause damage to or loss of your equipment, personal injury due to accidents, illness or, in extreme cases, permanent injury or death. I am aware that even experienced guides can make mistakes. I am also aware that the description of the risks is not complete and that other unknown or unexpected risks may cause harm. I participate completely voluntarily in the activities and I choose to participate despite and with full knowledge of the inherent risks. I hereby agree to take full responsibility for the risks in question. I confirm that I am fully capable of participating in these activities. Therefore, I assume full responsibility for myself, including all minors for whom I have custody, supervision or responsibility, in respect of bodily injury, death, loss of private property and costs resulting from these inherent risks and dangers. I am aware that adequate insurance coverage that applies to all incidents that may occur, including health insurance, rests with my own responsibility. I am also aware that I myself am solely responsible for the necessary medical precautions before the trip. FishYourDream AB assumes no responsibility for unforeseen events such as extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, participants' illness, accidents or other unforeseen events.

I have red this

Kontakta mig

Tack för att du är intresserad av Björk Experience Fyll i formuläret så kontaktar vi dig senast inom 24 timmar.

Contact me

Thank you for your interest in Björk Experience Fill in the form and we will contact you within 24 hours at the latest.



Tjuonajokk med hundspann i Kiruna

Tjuonajokk and dogsledding in Kiruna

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Tjuonajokk är ren magi på vintern. Denna upplevelse är en kombination av härlig hundspannsupplevelse i Kiruna och en resa ut över fjället, till Tjuonajokk, där du upplever vintern och vildmarken med aktiviteter, god mat och avkoppling. En digital detox.
Tjuonajokk is pure magic in the wintertime. A digital detox. You will enjoy one day of dogsledding and a journey straight into the Kiruna mountains by snowmobile, to Tjuonajokk.

Isfiske i Tjuonajokk

Ice fishing in Tjuonajokk

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
När du besöker Tjuonajokk på vintern finns det möjlighet att följa med på isfiske! Vi ordnar guide, utrustning och transport.
While in Tjuonajokk in wintertime, you should venture out with us for an outing of traditional ice fishing, targeting a number of different species. We set you up with guide, gear and transfer.

Flugfiske i Tjuonajokk

Fly fishing in Tjuonajokk

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Fisket och framförallt flugfisket efter harr i våra strömmar är världsberömt. Här kan även nybörjare fånga riktigt fin fisk på flugspö.Känner du redan till Tjuonajokk vet du att det är ett av Europas bästa ställen oavsett om du fiskar gädda, harr eller öring. Våra guider tar dig till de bästa platserna med båt, lagar mat och utvecklar ditt fiske.
Welcome to world-class fly fishing in one of Swedish Lapland's most beautiful river basins; Kaitum River. During a visit in Tjuonajokk you can catch trophy size grayling and good size trout, char, pike and perch.

Sapmi Nature Camp och Tjuonajokk

Sapmi Nature Camp and Tjuonajokk combo

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Ett vinteräventyr där du får möta den samiska kulturen från två platser och från två perspektiv.
The Sami are the indigenous peoples of Scandinavia engaged in reindeer herding, following annual migration cycles from the forest areas to the mountains and back. This is a winter adventure where you get to experience the Sami culture from two places and two perspectives. You stay two nights in really nice yurts with Lennart Pittja of Unna Tjerusj Sami community. He will give you unique insight into the Sami lifestyle. After that we venture into the mountains to spend another two nights in Tjuonajokk where more adventures await... Experience Sapmi in a safe, friendly and educational way with us!





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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
En lite lyxigare stuga! Lite mer plats, lite bättre sängar, men inte mindre vildmark.
A bit more exclusive. More space, better beds but not less wilderness.

Stuga Dubbelrum

Double Room Cabin

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Vi har renoverat några stugor. Gjort dem ljusare, lagt nytt golv och satt in ett par hotellsängar för den som vill ha det lite bekvämare. Här finns ingen kokmöjlighet så restaurangen faller sig naturlig för den som väljer detta alternativ.
We have renovated a few cabins into what we call "double room cabins". We made them brighter, put new floors, added hotel beds for the ones that desire more comfort. No cooking facility here, so our restaurant would be the obvious choice here.


Wilderness Cabin

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
I våra vildmarksstugor bor du enkelt men bekvämt. Här har du möjlighet att laga egen mat och sköta dig själv. Finns som 4-bädds, 6-bädds och 12-bäddsstuga för den större gruppen.
In our classic Tjuonajokk "wilderness cabins", you find a rather simple, but comfortable and cozy base for your Tjuonajokk experience.

Nya huset

New House

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Boka vår nyaste byggnad per rum, eller hyr hela huset för ett sällskap. Huset har totalt 11 bäddar, duschar, sällskapsrum och bastu. Välkommen till den nya boendestandarden i Tjuonajokk.
The new house really improves the Tjuonajokk experience with double and single rooms, a common lounge, sauna and showers.


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