Winter Adventures
Tjuonajokk med hundspann i Kiruna
Paketet är perfekt att kombinera med till exempel en helgvistelse i Kiruna eller på Ice Hotel. Upplev några dagar i Tjuonajokk med krispig vintervildmark på en anrik plats. Du får uppleva en dag med hundspann i Kiruna och en resa rakt ut i fjället till avlägsna Tjuonajokk. Vi tar dig från Kiruna med minibuss, sedan över fjället med snöskoter. Väl i Tjuonajokk skämmer vi bort dig med riktigt bra mat, vedeldad bastu och olika vinteraktiviteter. Prova snöskor, isfiske eller kika på älg och ren.
Hundspann. Innan vi åker ut till Tjuonajokk får du prova på hundspann i Kiruna. Du kör ditt eget hundspann, ensam eller med en kamrat sittande i släden eller sittande i guidesläde. Vid ankomsten till vår kåta i skogen, gör vi upp eld och förbereder lunchen, även hundarna får en bit att äta. Sedan följer en kort snöskovandring på "trap line", där vi kanske har turen att se spår av några av de vilda djur som lever i området.
Tjuonajokk. Dagen efter hundspannsäventyret tar vi bil mot Nikkaluoktahållet, byter till skoter och börjar resan ut i väglöst land, mot Tjuonajokk. Kaffestopp längs vägen förstås. väl i Tjuonajokk checkar vi in, får oss något att äta. Vi eldar igång bastun och njuter av en riktigt bra trerättersmiddag gjord på lokala råvaror. Nästa dag blir det aktiviteter anpassade efter väder och önskemål! På kvällen blir det ännu en härlig kväll i restaurangen och i bastun om man vill. Är det klart väder rekommenderar vi att kika på stjärnor eller till och med norrsken, helt utan störande bakgrundsljus! Dagen efter börjar vi förbereda oss för avfärd mot Kiruna efter frukost.

Tjuonajokk and dogsledding in Kiruna
Tjuonajokk is pure magic in the wintertime. A digital detox.
This package is a perfect match for any weekend stay in Kiruna or at the Ice Hotel, or as a stand-alone winter experience. A few days in pristine wilderness. You will enjoy one day of dogsledding and a journey straight into the Kiruna mountains by snowmobile. You are riding in a sled, you do not drive yourself. On the spot in Tjuonajokk we spoil you with really good food, sauna and a variety of winter activities. Try snowshoe walking, try ice fishing or look for moose and reindeer.
Dog sledding. Before we go to tjuonajokk you will experience dog sledding in Kiruna. You drive your own alone or with a friend in the sled, or sitting in the guide sled. We go to our teepee in the forest, where we make a fire and prepare lunch, the dogs get a bite as well. We do a short snowshoe hike on trap line, if we are lucky we see some tracks from some of the animals that live in the area.
Tjuonajokk. The next day we drive towards Nikkaluokta and start the journey into the wilderness, over the mountains towards Tjuonajokk. We stop for some coffee of course and once we arrive in tjuonajokk we check-in and have something to eat. We heat up the sauna and enjoy a really nice three-course dinner made from local produce. The next day there will be outings depending on weather and group interest. In the evening we enjoy another cozy evening in the restaurant and in the sauna if you feel like it. If there are few or no clouds we enjoy stargazing or even northern lights, in Tjuonajokk, there is no light pollution. The next day we prepare for the trip back to Kiruna after breakfast.

Dag 1
Transfer till Guide B-O Sleddog Kennel
måltid, bastu, mata hundarna
Dag 2
Utflykt: Skogsutflykt med hundspann, TrapLine
Middag, övernattning Guide B-O Sleddog Kennel
Dag 3
Resa med skoter till Tjuonajokk
Middag, bastu, fri tid
Dag 4
Heldagsaktiviteter; snöskor, viltspårning, viltspaning, isfiske…
Trerätters middag, bastu
Dag 5
Återresa till Kiruna med skoter efter frukost
Eventuell Transfer till flyg etc.
Transfers från/till flygplats, hotell eller tågstation.
Kör eget hundspann och snöskovandring på ”trap line”
Skotertransport (du åker i kälke) över fjället till Tjuonajokk
Alla måltider
Utomhusaktiviteter i Tjuonajokk, snöskor, viltspaning, spårning
Boende två nätter i Tjuonajokk, två nätter på Guide B-O Sleddog Kennel
Observera att Tjuonajokk ligger väldigt avsides, väder och andra extrema omständigheter kan ändra det förväntade programmet. Vi erbjuder inte alltid 220v ström dygnet runt.
Day 1
Transfer to Guide B-O Sleddog Kennel
meal, sauna, feeding the dogs, overnight Guide B-O Sleddog Kennel
Day 2
Outing: Dogsledding in the forest, TrapLine
Dinner, overnight Guide B-O Sleddog Kennel
Day 3
trip to Tjuonajokk with snowmobile
Dinner, sauna, time on your own
Dag 4
Full activity day; snowshoe hike, wildlife tracking/watching, ice fishing
three-course dinner, sauna
Day 5
Return to Kiruna after breakfast
Transfer to airport
Transfers to/from airport, train station, hotel in Kiruna
Dog sledding outing
Snowmobile transfer to Tjuonajokk
All meals
Outdoor activities in Tjuonajokk, examples: snowshoe hike, wildlife tracking/watching, ice fishing
Two nights in Tjuonajokk, two nights at Guide B-O Sleddog Kennel
Observe that Tjuonajokk is very remote, weather and other extreme circumstances may change the itererar We do not at all times provide 220v electricity.
Jag har läst färdigt
NOTE. As long as the acute Corona situation persists, we will charge in connection with your departure from us. The following conditions are temporarily violated..
For online booking (VISA, Mastercard) the full amount is paid at the time of booking. Where applicable, a deposit is used. This is paid within ten days from the booking date and final payment must be received by us no later than 30 days before arrival. Once the deposit has been paid, your booking is confirmed. Until then, the booking is preliminary. Bookings that are not paid on time are automatically canceled. If you book later than 30 days before the arrival date, the full cost must be paid at the time of booking. Payments are made by bank transfer, Mastercard or VISA. Enter the invoice number for bank giro payment.
CancellationsIn case of cancellation earlier than 30 days before the day of arrival, the final payment paid will be refunded if such has taken place. (The deposit is non-refundable) If canceled 30-14 days before the day of arrival, 50% of the total price will be charged. If canceled up to 14 days before date of arrival, the total price of the reservation will be charged. Changes that involve another day of arrival, day of departure or shortened stay are to be regarded as cancellation.
Customer obligationsYou must follow the guides / other staff's given instructions / rules of procedure. You are responsible for all damage that has occurred to a boat or other equipment due to the customer or someone else in the travel company being negligent. If the customer has a complaint regarding the event, he must contact FishYourDream AB already during the stay so that any ambiguities can be resolved. Remember to respect fishing rules, our environment, the animals that live in it and fellow human beings.
Insurance and responsibilitiesAlthough Björk Experience AB has taken reasonable steps to provide me with information, equipment and experienced guides, Björk Experience AB has informed me that its activities are not completely risk-free. Certain risks are inherent in each activity and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique nature of the activity. These inherent risks are some of the components that contribute to the unique nature of the activities, and can cause damage to or loss of your equipment, personal injury due to accidents, illness or, in extreme cases, permanent injury or death. I am aware that even experienced guides can make mistakes. I am also aware that the description of the risks is not complete and that other unknown or unexpected risks may cause harm. I participate completely voluntarily in the activities and I choose to participate despite and with full knowledge of the inherent risks. I hereby agree to take full responsibility for the risks in question. I confirm that I am fully capable of participating in these activities. Therefore, I assume full responsibility for myself, including all minors for whom I have custody, supervision or responsibility, in respect of bodily injury, death, loss of private property and costs resulting from these inherent risks and dangers. I am aware that adequate insurance coverage that applies to all incidents that may occur, including health insurance, rests with my own responsibility. I am also aware that I myself am solely responsible for the necessary medical precautions before the trip. FishYourDream AB assumes no responsibility for unforeseen events such as extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, participants' illness, accidents or other unforeseen events.
I have red this
Middag i Tjuonajokk
Dinner in Tjuonajokk

Isfiske i Tjuonajokk
Ice fishing in Tjuonajokk

Flugfiske i Tjuonajokk
Fly fishing in Tjuonajokk

Sapmi Nature Camp och Tjuonajokk
Sapmi Nature Camp and Tjuonajokk combo


Stuga Dubbelrum
Double Room Cabin

Wilderness Cabin

Nya huset
New House