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Samisk kultur

Reser du till våra nordliga destinationer får du möjlighet att på nära håll uppleva den samiska kulturen. Samerna är Sveriges ursprungsbefolkning och har bott här sedan urminnes tider. Följ med på en resa som tar dig genom en kultur, lika rik på hemligheter och symbolik som religion och tradition.

Sami Culture

The Swedish indigenous people, the Sami, are quite present at our northern destinations. we would like to introduce you!
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Samisk storytelling

Träffa Mikael Vinka och lyssna när han med hjälp av Samiskt hantverk berättar om den Samiska historien, kulturen, traditionerna och religonen.

Sami storytelling

Meet Mikael Vinka, local Sami. He shows old Sami handicraft and let them be the starting point for your way into the Sami history, culture, religion, symbols, customs and of course into the Vinka family history.

Jag har läst färdigt

Payment - Deposit & Final payment

NOTE. As long as the acute Corona situation persists, we will charge in connection with your departure from us. The following conditions are temporarily violated..

For online booking (VISA, Mastercard) the full amount is paid at the time of booking. Where applicable, a deposit is used. This is paid within ten days from the booking date and final payment must be received by us no later than 30 days before arrival. Once the deposit has been paid, your booking is confirmed. Until then, the booking is preliminary. Bookings that are not paid on time are automatically canceled. If you book later than 30 days before the arrival date, the full cost must be paid at the time of booking. Payments are made by bank transfer, Mastercard or VISA. Enter the invoice number for bank giro payment.


In case of cancellation earlier than 30 days before the day of arrival, the final payment paid will be refunded if such has taken place. (The deposit is non-refundable) If canceled 30-14 days before the day of arrival, 50% of the total price will be charged. If canceled up to 14 days before date of arrival, the total price of the reservation will be charged. Changes that involve another day of arrival, day of departure or shortened stay are to be regarded as cancellation.

Customer obligations

You must follow the guides / other staff's given instructions / rules of procedure. You are responsible for all damage that has occurred to a boat or other equipment due to the customer or someone else in the travel company being negligent. If the customer has a complaint regarding the event, he must contact FishYourDream AB already during the stay so that any ambiguities can be resolved. Remember to respect fishing rules, our environment, the animals that live in it and fellow human beings.

Insurance and responsibilities

Although Björk Experience AB has taken reasonable steps to provide me with information, equipment and experienced guides, Björk Experience AB has informed me that its activities are not completely risk-free. Certain risks are inherent in each activity and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique nature of the activity. These inherent risks are some of the components that contribute to the unique nature of the activities, and can cause damage to or loss of your equipment, personal injury due to accidents, illness or, in extreme cases, permanent injury or death. I am aware that even experienced guides can make mistakes. I am also aware that the description of the risks is not complete and that other unknown or unexpected risks may cause harm. I participate completely voluntarily in the activities and I choose to participate despite and with full knowledge of the inherent risks. I hereby agree to take full responsibility for the risks in question. I confirm that I am fully capable of participating in these activities. Therefore, I assume full responsibility for myself, including all minors for whom I have custody, supervision or responsibility, in respect of bodily injury, death, loss of private property and costs resulting from these inherent risks and dangers. I am aware that adequate insurance coverage that applies to all incidents that may occur, including health insurance, rests with my own responsibility. I am also aware that I myself am solely responsible for the necessary medical precautions before the trip. FishYourDream AB assumes no responsibility for unforeseen events such as extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, participants' illness, accidents or other unforeseen events.

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Kontakta mig

Tack för att du är intresserad av Björk Experience Fyll i formuläret så kontaktar vi dig senast inom 24 timmar.

Contact me

Thank you for your interest in Björk Experience Fill in the form and we will contact you within 24 hours at the latest.



Skidtur med guide

Cross country skiing with Sami guide

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Häng med på skidtur med vår samiska guide Samuel Vinka. Med turskidor tar vi oss ut i fjällskogen. Samuel delar med sig av sina kunskaper om samisk kultur och historia, samt visar hur man sätter upp en traditionell ripsnara och mycket mer.
Join our Sami guide Samuel Vinka on a cross country ski tour in to the vindel mountains. Samuel will share the ancient knowledge of the Sami. he will tell you about Sami traditions and customs now and back then.

Samisk fjällguide

Sami mountain guide

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Boka en privat dag med Samisk fjällguide. Vi erbjuder en heldag där era önskemål är med och utformar dagen. T er upp på någon av topparna runt Ammarnäs Tjulträsk eller varför inte uppleva naturen längs med Tjulåns lopp?
Book a day with a private Sami guide and explore the mountains in Ammarnäs. Our guide Samuel will take you out for a full day and tell you about the Sami culture and history in the Vindelmountains.

Fjälltur med samisk guide

Guided hike

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Häng med vår samiska guide Samuel på vår fasta lördagstur. Samuel tar er ut på en heldagstur och delar med sig av Samisk historia, kunskap om växter och örter medans ni vandrar i Vindelfjällens naturreservat
Book our fixed mountain hikes with our local guide and experience the Vindelmountains nature reserve. Samuel Vinka will share his knowledge about Sami history and what plants and animals that have always played an important part in their culture and rituals.

Byavandring i Ammarnäs

Guided village walk

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Häng på en byvandring i Ammarnäs under din vistelse hos oss. Här får ni en inblick i den Samiska historien nu och då samt även nybyggarkulturen som är ständigt närvarande i Ammarnäs. Ni får se den fina utsikten från rikskända potatisbacken och Ammarnäs vackra kyrka.
Book a historical tour in the village of Ammarnäs together with our local Sami guide Samuel. You will get an insight into the history of the Sami people and their culture and the history of the settlers in the area.

Flugfiske i Vindelfjällen

Fishing Weekend

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Så mycket att göra, men så lite tid... Här har du allt du behöver för en bra fiskehelg i Ammarnäs. Boende med frukost samt guidning
So much to do, but so little time. Here is all you need for a great fishing break in Ammarnäs. Accommodation with breakfast and fishing guide.

Restaurangen i Ammarnäs

Dinner in Ammarnäs

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
I restaurangen på Ammarnäs Wärdshus har vi en passion för vad som ligger på din tallrik, för det lokala samhället och för miljön. Dela vår passion med oss!
We use use swedish meat and dairy products for taste and the environment.

Fågelskådning i Ammarnäs

Birdwatching i Ammarnäs

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Vid Ammarnäs raningar mellanlandar fjällgåsen och vilar innan fjällets våtmarker tar vid för häckningsperioden. Här möter du också fågelarter som enkelbeckasin, röd- och grönbena, gluttsnäppa och silvertärna på väg mot häckningsplatserna längre norrut.
At the end of May and in early June the migratory birds pass Ammarnäs and we pamper guests that want to enjoy species as Widgeon, Smew, Tufted Duck, Red-necked Phalarope and Horned or Slavonian Grebe.

Sommaräventyr i Ammarnäs

Summer Adventure Week in Ammarnäs

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Denna sommarvecka är ett riktigt rejält Ammarnäs-äventyr, du blir en av de endast tio grupper som besöker Geunja varje år.
A full package with a little bit of everything in it. You will be one of the only ten groups that visit Sami Eco lodge Geunja each year. No further planning needed. However if you like, see this itinerary as an example and ask us for your dream package.




Hostel Huts

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Ett genuint boende i egen hytte på gården med 4 bäddar i varje. Toalett, dusch och gästkök har du i huvudbyggnaden, ett stenkast från din hytt.
We have four simple hostel huts on the yard with 4 beds each, there is electricity but no running water. Kitchen, toilet and shower you find inside Wärdshuset, a 30-50 meter walk away. These huts are very popular with hikers and fishing guests.


Hostel Room

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
På Ammarnäs Wärdshus erbjuder vi förutom hotellrum traditionella vandrarhemsrum. Från dubbelrum upp till 6 bäddar erbjuds. Du använder vårt nybyggda gästkök för att laga måltider om du inte vill äta alla kvällar i restaurangen.
In Ammarnäs we also offer hostel accommodation, just as good location but at a lower price.


Hotel Room

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Våra hotellrum är nybyggda och erbjuder toalett och dusch på rummet och du sover i riktigt sköna hotellsängar. Vår frukostbuffé ingår alltid. Lokala material, vi har lånat färgsättningen från fjället. Manlavens grågröna färg leder vägen.
Our hotel rooms are brand new and offer toilet and shower en-suite and really nice beds. Our breakfast buffet is always included. The rooms are made from local building materials with inspiration from the mountains.


Lokatten Cabin

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Gotland Ammarnäs Tjuonajokk
Vår nyaste stuga ligger precis vid Ammarnäs Wärdshus och är på hela 70 m². Stugan har tre sovrum med sex bäddar. Allrum med soffgrupp och fullt utrustat kök. Dusch, toalett, TV och en solterrass med fin utsikt över vattnet och fjället.
The really nice Lokatten cabin is located just by our restaurant and is our most asked for cabin accommodation.


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